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Paul Foreman Personal Injury Law

As an attorney that specializes in the representation of Victims of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Mr. Foreman has separated himself from the others. Those individuals that have been forced to endure any form of sexual misconduct especially while acting in their capacity of an employee, a student of any age and/or consumers and even those individuals that are subjected to sexual misconduct at the hands of a governmental employee. Mr. Foreman has recovered millions of dollars for these victims and is relentless in his pursuit of not only the perpetrator of the sexual misconduct; but also those that at idly by, aided and abetted in the conduct or even enabled it. Simply put, his drive in this area is immeasurable and he will not stop at anything until his client is made as close to whole as they were prior to the sexual misconduct emotionally while battling the high priced defense attorneys hired to defend those that commit these vile acts.

Paul Foreman is not a current member of Lawyers of Distinction

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