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Patrick McCann Criminal Defense Law

Patrick F. McCann is a former Navy officer with service in Bosnia, Europe, Central Command, and Southern Command. He is a past President of both the Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association and the Fort Bend County Criminal Defense Attorneys Association. He has been the legislative liaison for both bar organizations. A graduate of Boston College he moved to Texas after his first tour with the Navy and graduated from the University of Houston Law Center in 1994. He has been a founding part of the Veterans Treatment Court in Harris County and in Fort Bend County, Texas, been the Chair of the Fort Bend Defenders Advisory Board, and served as a member of the Governor's Specialty Courts Advisory Council. His practice is dedicated to complex criminal and criminal appellate work, including state and federal post-conviction work. He has extensive experience in death penalty work, having handled over fifty cases at trial , on appeal, and during habeas. Mr. McCann has been practicing in criminal law since 1995 after earning his JD from the University of Houston

Patrick McCann is not a current member of Lawyers of Distinction

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