Mary McDonald Family and Divorce Law

Courts Admitted to Practice: ?State of Kansas, ?United States District Court of Kansas, State of Colorado, ?Supreme Court of the United States. Former Chief Prosecutor and Assistant City Attorney III for the City of Wichita, Former Harvey County Attorney, Former City Prosecutor for the City of Derby, ?Former City Prosecutor for the City of Wichita, ?Former Assistant Reno County Attorney, Over 27 years of Criminal and Civil Experience

I'll say this much if you want not just someone's experience and who they know to be the only thing that is on your side in my opinion the best choice would be Mary McDonald she doesn't just show up and look pretty she does what she is paid to do and goes the extra mile to make sure her client is given a fair and Leggett trial.......
Janelle Cook-Major
Great lawyer. .. seems to be genuine and sincere when she's helping u with ur case or cases... Not as judgemental as I have felt like before in having a court appointed attorney... Which is kind of refreshing to have .
118 N. Main St, Newton, KS 67114 Get Directions here from:

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