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Linda Small Family and Divorce Law www.lawofficeoflindasmall.com

I hired Linda to represent me in my 2 court cases involving a PFA and child support modification back in October 2015, that was the best decision i ever made picking her over other lawyers that I consulted. She fought hard and worked tirelessly to get me what I wanted and won't settle for less, she had the PFA dismissed without me having to step a foot in court so I won't miss any workdays. i was garnished at a rate of 50% but Linda changed that where I only had to pay what the law says and again without going to court either. Michelle, her secretary was awesome and very helpful always answered my emails and payed attention to my concerns. I will not hesitate hire Linda again for my legal matters in the future if I have.
Christina Rose
I couldn't have asked for a better Law office to represent me during the most difficult time of my life. Linda and Michelle made me feel comfortable and helped me through the process from the first time I called.I would only recommend Linda Small to represent me or anyone else.The best customer service and compassion for her clients gives her five stars every time.on the 5th floor and it's because she's the best.
727 N Waco Ave, Wichita, KS 67203, USA Get Directions here from:

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