John Torgenson Personal Injury Law

John devotes his practice to sticking up for those wronged by others. Then, holding the wrongdoer accountable. Whether his client is injured due to someone’s choice to disregard basic safety rules, or a corporation or insurance company’s attempt to take advantage of an individual, John relentlessly pursues justice for his clients through loyal advocacy, honest communication, and the committed pursuit of the truth. John works hard and creatively, drawing on his mind and his heart for his clients to ensure that they are treated fairly in every single step of the litigation process.

John gets his tireless work ethic from watching his dad, Fernando, report to work like clockwork as a Journeyman Lineman in Southern Utah for the past 43 years, then coming home and showing John how a real man works by being an amazing dad, coach, and maintaining their house. John’s mom, Karen, who raised him and his siblings to always stick up for themselves and anyone else getting picked on, gives him his unbending will to continue to take the fight to well-financed opponents, and seek justice for his clients.

"John Torgenson was recommended to me by another attorney who did not handle my type of case. Although I did not know John or his firm, I am so glad he was recommended to me. Mr. Torgenson represented me in a personal injury claim resulting from a car accident. It was a delight working with him. I was able to reach him by phone when I called - but, often we would send emails back and forth when he or I had questions. And, he would send documents for me to print, sign and either fax or scan and email back to him. This saved me so much time and money. I didn't have to take off work to make a trip to his office each time something was needed. And, because I was off work for several weeks, conducting business this way was so helpful to me. Mr. Torgenson treated me with respect (always) but I also felt he always was looking out for my best interests. John and his firm made sure I understood my options and helped me to get the best possible resolution for my case. I will call John Torgenson the next time I need an attorney and - if he can't help me, I know I can trust whoever he would recommend."
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