Distinguished Lawyer
Bernard Clair Family and Divorce Law www.cohenclairlans.com/

While he is skilled at all facets of client advocacy and representation, his skill as a trial lawyer and his command of the courtroom are what sets him apart. Mr. Clair has a unique ability to communicate and effectively advocate on behalf of his clients in both financial and custodial matters. On account of his courtroom experience, he is a successful negotiator and many of his cases result in favorable settlements without full blown litigation. Mr. Clair is a fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. He served for more than a decade as Chairman of the editorial board of the New York Family Law Monthly—published by American Lawyers Media—and has regularly lectured and published to the legal community. In 2018, Mr. Clair was selected for inclusion in the Best Lawyers in America for his work in family law, an honor he has received for the last 14 years. He has also co-authored three books for the lay public involving important matrimonial law issues.

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