Ashley Butler Family and Divorce Law

I understand that divorce both ends a legal and personal relationship and begins a complex and distinct relationship. The client’s immediate future requires practical legal guidance and knowledgeable negotiations concerning substantive rights, obligations and entitlements. Resolving these very personal needs and issues, whether by agreement or litigation, requires the experienced, balancing and careful consideration of spousal and child support obligations and property division, including business interests, pension and profit-sharing entitlements, trusts and investments. Ashley Butler helps family resolve matters involving a family member that can leave a family splintered and divided.

Jessica B.
Ashley is an excellent lawyer!! I am currently going through a custody battle and she has represented me well. She is tough and does not back down. Jessica, her paralegal has also been on top of things and has notified me of any changes in a timely matter.
2634 Kerrybrook Ct., Suite 200, San Antonio, TX 78230 Get Directions here from:

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